Thursday, August 12, 2010

Teri Hatcher: Botox Free Face (Pictures)

Teri Hatcher posts a series of makeup-free pictures of herself on Facebook to prove she no longer has Botox on her face.

Teri Hatcher botox and makeup free face picture Teri Hatcher botox and makeup free face photo

The 45-year-old Desperate Housewives star posted a photo album on her official Facebook page entitled 'Oy with the Botox' on Tuesday, featuring herself in bathroom without make-up.

"Thought about all those damn critics of my face. Love it or hate it, my face that is, no surgery, no implants, no matter what "they" say. Decided I'd shoot myself to reveal some truths about "beauty" and hope it makes you all easier on yourself.” she wrote.

Teri Hatcher pictured at the Digital Content Newfront Conference presented by Digitas & The Third Act at Skylight Studio on June 9, 2010 in New York City.)

However, Hatcher admits she’s used Botox and fillers in the past, "Did I every toy with fillers or Botox over the years? Yes. Tell me does this look Botoxed to you? Yes I am alone in my bathroom naked in a towel on behalf of women everywhere trying to make a point. Women YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL."

In one photo of Hatcher showing off her wrinkly forehead, the actress wrote, "I can be mad, or confused, or sad and tired. Julia Roberts had that same vein in her forehead in Eat Pray Love. Proud of Julia for being a real woman on a real journey."

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