Thursday, July 29, 2010

Melissa Rycroft Is Pregnant With Husband Tye Strickland’s Child

Melissa Rycroft, the former Dancing with the Stars and Bachelor contestant, is expecting her first child with husband Tye Strickland!

Melissa Rycroft and husband Tye Strickland picture

Apparently Tye and I wanted to see how many life-changing events we could fit into one calendar year, from getting engaged, married, new job, and we are now pregnant." Melissa Rycroft, the 27-year-old who married insurance agent Tye Strickland last December in Mexico, just announced the happy news that they are having a baby on Good Morning America Wednesday.

Melissa Rycroft is the upcoming co-host of ABC’s Bachelor Bad which debuts August 9. "It was a shock. We weren't even trying," Rycroft told Us Weekly. "It's the most wonderful surprise in the world. It's such a blessing!"

The baby is due in February 2011. Congrats to Rycroft and Strickland!

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