Tuesday, August 11, 2009

David Daniel Otunga Jr. Jennifer Hudson Baby Son (Picture)

Meet David Daniel Otunga Jr., singer/actress Jennifer Hudson's baby son. David Daniel Otunga Jr. was born by Academy and Grammy Awards winner Jennifer Hudson (pregnant photo below) at an undisclosed place yesterday August 10, 2009.

Jennifer Hudson gives birth to son David Daniel Otunga Jr. on August 10, 2009

Roger Friedman of Showbiz411.com said Jennifer Hudson told him David Daniel Otunga Jr. weighed 7lbs. 14oz.. Apparently, the newly-born was named after his father David Otunga, Jennifer Hudson's fiance. David Otunga Sr., aka Punk, was a Harvard-educated law graduate and now a WWE westler.
Exclusive: It’s official! Oscar winner and “American Idol” star Jennifer Hudson gave birth to a baby boy late yesterday [August 10]. His name is David Daniel Otunga, Jr., named for his father and Hudson’s fiancee. Hudson tells me he weighed in at seven pounds, fourteen ounces. And Jennifer and David, Sr., by the way, did not know the sex of the baby in advance. They bought blue and pink clothes, just in case!

Jennifer, Otunga and their new bundle of joy have gone to stay in a secret place in order to protect their privacy. Friedman added:
Note to paparazzi: Hudson is not where you think she is, so just forget it. By the time you read this, she and David Jr. will be snug as a bug in a rug far from prying eyes!


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